Indiana CCA Conference 2018 Presentation



Crop Management
Tue, Dec 18, 2018
8:00am to 8:50am


Crop Management
Tue, Dec 18, 2018
1:00pm to 1:50pm

Regional Characterization of Soybean Quality (Amino Acids, Protein, Oil) in the United States

Continued economic relevancy of soybean is a function of seed quality. A synthesis-analysis was conducted on soybean quality including characterization of variation in the concentration of amino acids (AAs), protein, oil in the seed and the overall yield. The objectives of this study were to: (i) assess the regional (spatial) association between soybean yield and quality across major US soybean producing regions, (ii) investigate the relationship between protein, oil, and yield with amino acids (AAs) composition, and (iii) study interrelationship among essential AAs in soybean seed. Data from soybean testing programs conducted across 14 US states from 2012 to 2016 period (n = 35,101 data points) were analyzed. Results indicate that for each Mg ha-1 yield increase, protein yield increased by 0.35 Mg protein ha-1 and oil yield improved by 0.20 Mg oil ha-1. Essential AA concentrations exhibit a spatial autocorrelation and there was a negative relationship between concentration of AA, protein, and oil, with latitude. There was a positive interrelationship with different degree of strength among all AAs, and the correlation between Isoleucine and Valine was the strongest (r=0.93) followed by the correlation among Arginine, Leucine, Lysine, and Threonine (0.71< r <0.88). We concluded that the variability in genotype (G) x management (M) x environment (E) across latitudes influencing yield also affected soybean quality; AA, protein, and oil content in a similar manner.

Ignacio A. Ciampitti, PhD., Associate Professor, Cropping Systems Specialist, Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University


Ignacio Ciampitti

Associate Professor of Crop Production and Cropping Systems
Kansas State University

Dr. Ignacio A. Ciampitti was born in Buenos Aires City, in Argentina. Currently, he is the Cropping Systems Specialist at Kansas State University, department of Agronomy. His research is connected to understanding the genotype x environment x management practices interaction, including crop physiology, production, remote sensing and modeling tools. He is also an Associate Editor for Crop Science Journal, part of the editorial board of Field Crops Research and Frontiers of Plant Science. He recently has received the America Society of Agronomy Early Career Award and the Young Crop Scientist Award, Early Career from the Crop Science Society of Agronomy. Ignacio married Gloria in 2007 and they have three children, Simon, Josefina and Jeremías. Education • Ph.D. Crop Physiology and Nutrition, Purdue University, 2012 • M.S. Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition, Univ. of Buenos Aires, 2009 • B.S. Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2005