Indiana CCA Conference 2018 Presentation



Soil & Water
Wed, Dec 19, 2018
8:00am to 8:50am


Soil & Water
Wed, Dec 19, 2018
1:00pm to 1:50pm

Indiana's Agriculture in a Changing Climate

The Indiana Climate Change Impacts Assessment analyzed the direct and indirect effects of temperature, precipitation and carbon dioxide (CO2) on agronomic and horticultural crops, livestock and poultry production and soil and water resources in Indiana through 2100 in order to identify future challenges and opportunities for agriculture in the state. Warmer overnight temperatures in Indiana have contributed to reduced corn yields over the last decade. Changes in winter conditions will pose a threat to some perennial crops, while expanding the area suitable for others. Heat stress poses a major challenge to livestock production, with decreased feed intake expected with temperatures exceeding 30 °C over 69-129 days per year by the end of the century. These losses could be partially compensated by adaptation measures such as changes in cropping systems, planting date, crop genetics, soil health, and additional infrastructure. Overall, agricultural production is expected to continue to thrive in Indiana. By identifying potential risks now, producers can make strategic decisions now to help minimize future impacts. 


Laura Bowling

Professor of Agricultural Water Resources
Purdue University

Laura Bowling has been a professor in the department of Agronomy since 2004. She does not have an extension appointment, but her applied research interests include quantifying the streamflow and water quality impacts of agricultural drainage practices, investigation of edge-of-field and watershed-scale conservation measures to improve water quality, and evaluation of water resources sustainability, with emphasis on agricultural water use.