Indiana CCA Conference 2018 Presentation



Nutrient Management
Wed, Dec 19, 2018
2:00pm to 2:50pm


Nutrient Management
Wed, Dec 19, 2018
9:00am to 9:50am

The Challenge of Predicting Nitrogen Availability from Soils

Nitrogen (N) is often a limiting nutrient in farm fields, but most commercial soil testing labs do not report N availability as part of a routine soil nutrient analysis. Why is this? Do any tests exist that reliably reflect soil N availability? This talk will present the challenges of evaluating soil N status and discuss some emerging soil N tests that hold promise for helping predict N availability from soil. Over the past several years, more than 50 on-farm corn N-rate field trials were conducted across Ohio and several measures of soil N availability were examined relative to corn response to N. This talk will present results of this study and reflect on what is needed to reliability evaluate soil N status and availability.


Steve Culman

Assistant Professor and State Specialist in Soil Fertility
The Ohio State University

Steve Culman is an Assistant Professor and State Specialists in Soil Fertility at Ohio State University. His research focuses on applied nutrient management issues and developing soil health measurements.