Indiana CCA Conference 2021 Presentation



Soil & Water
Wed, Dec 15, 2021
8:00am to 8:50am


Soil & Water
Wed, Dec 15, 2021
1:00pm to 1:50pm

Sustainability from the Humble Soil Humus: Hubris or Humungous?

A review of the emerging global interests in and demand for sustainability services from agricultural lands.  These include carbon removal and storage services that croplands can provide. We will discuss the current status of the emerging marketplace for carbon, with a summary on “what it takes” for a farmer to generate and market a unit of carbon removal, how soil organic carbon stocks are estimated, and what buyers look for in a credit.  We will also review the crucial role of the farmers’ agronomic and conservation advisors to helping farmers succeed and generate supply of carbon services.


Amanda Bahn-Ziegler
