Soil & Water Management
Wed, Dec 20, 2023
10:00am to 10:50am
Soil & Water Management
Wed, Dec 20, 2023
3:00pm to 3:50pm
Indiana Science Assessment: Determining Practice Effectiveness at Reducing Nutrient Losses
Reducing nutrient loss from agricultural production is a key goal of Indiana’s State Nutrient Reduction Strategy, but quantifying reductions is difficult. The Indiana Science Assessment supports the Strategy by (1) determining water quality trends statewide from monitoring data in rivers, and (2) improving the way we track nutrient and sediment reductions from individual conservation practices. This presentation will describe the two components of the Science Assessment and provide examples of how CCAs and producers can use this information as another factor in helping farmers determine what practices fit into their farm’s overall agronomic and conservation strategies. In addition, we will share opportunities for CCAs to engage in programs and projects that may be of benefit to CCAs and their farmers that can contribute to the success of the State Nutrient Reduction Strategy as well.
Jane Frankenberger
Dr. Frankenberger leads an extension and research program focused on protecting water quality while maintaining agricultural productivity. Her research has advanced conservation drainage design, watershed management, and soil and water conservation strategies, while delivering tools and strategies to stakeholders who can use them to inform decision making. She has a Ph.D. in Agricultural and Biological Engineering from Cornell University and is a Fellow of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.