Indiana CCA Conference 2023 Presentation



Pest Management
Tue, Dec 19, 2023
9:00am to 9:50am


Pest Management
Tue, Dec 19, 2023
2:00pm to 2:50pm

Flee or Fight Response in Corn: How Weed Presence Intimidates Corn

Weed interference in corn is not just related to the direct competition for soil water and nutrients.  Light quality for corn can also be impacted by weeds very early in the growing season and have a long-term impact on corn growth/development and potential yield, even if weed control is achieved by our typical mid- to late-postemergence application timings.


Bryan Young

Professor of Weed Science
Purdue University

Bryan Young is a Professor of Weed Science in the department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Purdue University.  Bryan earned his bachelor’s degree in crop and soil science at Michigan State University and doctorate in crop science (specialization in weed science) from the University of Illinois.  Bryan has held an academic appointment with teaching, research, and outreach activities for over 25 years.  Bryan’s research and education at Purdue focuses on weed biology and ecology, herbicide application technology, and characterizing herbicide resistance in weeds.