Pest Management
Wed, Dec 20, 2023
9:00am to 9:50am
Pest Management
Wed, Dec 20, 2023
2:00pm to 2:50pm
Resistance is Futile: an Update on Fungicide-resistant Soybean Pathogens
Since the first observation in 2010 of fungicide-resistant strains of the frogeye leaf spot pathogen, Cercospora sojina, fungicide-resistant soybean pathogens have been on the rise in U.S. soybean fields. This presentation will break down the fundamentals of fungicide resistance and fungicide modes of action and will provide some insight on how to slow down the development of fungicide-resistance and how to manage soybean diseases in spite of fungicide resistance.
Carl Bradley
Dr. Carl Bradley is a Professor and Extension Plant Pathologist with the University of Kentucky. He is based out of the University of Kentucky-Research & Education Center in Princeton, KY in the western part of the state, where he conducts research on the management and biology of diseases that affect agronomic field crops. Dr. Bradley was raised in southeastern Illinois, where he grew up on a grain production farm. He received his B.S. from Southern Illinois University, and M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois. Dr. Bradley has experience working in agriculture from several different states in previous positions. He was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with the University of Idaho, an Assistant Professor at North Dakota State University, and an Associate Professor with the University of Illinois before coming to the University of Kentucky in his current position, where he has been since 2015.