Pest Management
Wed, Dec 20, 2023
11:00am to 11:50am
Pest Management
Wed, Dec 20, 2023
4:00pm to 4:50pm
Update and Discussion on New and Emerging Diseases in Corn and Soybean
A number of new and emerging diseases have been recently reported in soybean and corn in Indiana and Kentucky such as red crown rot (Calonectria illicicola) and tar spot (Phyllachora maydis). It is important to understand the similarities and differences between these diseases and implications on disease management. A summary of our research in Indiana and Kentucky will be presented, as we continue to improve our understanding of disease distribution and management options to mitigate yield loss.
Darcy Telenko
Dr. Darcy Telenko is an associate professor and Extension Field Crop Pathologist with the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Purdue University. She has statewide responsibility for Plant Pathology research and Extension in agronomic crops. Her interdisciplinary plant pathology research and Extension program ( is involved in studying the biology and management of soilborne and foliar pathogens. The program is focused on recognizing and understanding new and emerging diseases and their potential impact on Indiana agriculture, and quickly and effectively distributing information in the event of a disease threat to Indiana crop production.
Dr. Telenko is a native of western New York and received her BS in Biological Sciences at Cornell University, MS in Plant and Soil Science at Southern Illinois University, and PhD in Plant Pathology and Crop Sciences at North Carolina State University. Prior to Purdue, Dr. Telenko was an Extension Vegetable Specialist for the Cornell Vegetable Program at Cornell University, and was a post-doctoral researcher at both the University of Florida and Virginia Tech. She has published 56 peer-review manuscripts and over 200 Extension publications. Since starting at Purdue she has trained nine graduate students, nine visiting scholars, and 17 undergraduates in her research program.
Carl Bradley
Dr. Carl Bradley is a Professor and Extension Plant Pathologist with the University of Kentucky. He is based out of the University of Kentucky-Research & Education Center in Princeton, KY in the western part of the state, where he conducts research on the management and biology of diseases that affect agronomic field crops. Dr. Bradley was raised in southeastern Illinois, where he grew up on a grain production farm. He received his B.S. from Southern Illinois University, and M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois. Dr. Bradley has experience working in agriculture from several different states in previous positions. He was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with the University of Idaho, an Assistant Professor at North Dakota State University, and an Associate Professor with the University of Illinois before coming to the University of Kentucky in his current position, where he has been since 2015.