Managing Nematodes in Soybean and Corn
The southern root-knot nematode is one of the most important soybean nematodes in the southern US and has been detected across the southern US and as far north as southern Illinois and Indiana. This presentation will focus on the use of commercially available resistance in soybean varieties and that of seed- and soil-applied nematicides to manage the southern root-knot nematode and other plant-parasitic nematodes.
Travis Faske
Dr. Travis Faske is a Professor and Extension Plant Pathologist for the University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture at the Lonoke Extension Center in Lonoke, AR. His program investigates the management of fungal diseases and plant-parasitic nematodes in field crops, with many research areas that include optimizing fungicide application timing, biological response of nematodes to nematicides, and characterizing host plant resistance to nematodes.