Why Nitrogen Won't Go Away: New Insights and the Continued Challenges with Corn Nitrogen Management
This presentation will highlight preliminary information and insights from completed and ongoing corn nitrogen research examining the use of biologicals, inhibitors, sources, timings, and sensors across the state of Indiana. The presentation will also examine current corn N management challenges, future directions needed, and why corn research on this nutrient isn’t going away any time soon.

Dan Quinn
Dr. Dan Quinn is currently an Assistant Professor of Agronomy and the Extension Corn Specialist at Purdue University. Dr. Quinn earned his B.S. and M.S. in Crop and Soil Science at Michigan State University and his Ph.D. in Plant and Soil Science at the University of Kentucky. His interdisciplinary research and extension program at Purdue works to improve the overall production, profitability, and environmental performance of Midwestern U.S. corn systems. Currently, Dr. Quinn’s research program includes studies examining yield physiology, agronomic management intensities, precision technologies, nutrient management, and cover crop use in corn production systems using large-scale and small-plot field research trials.