Indiana CCA Conference 2016 Presentation


NM1 8am

Tue, Dec 13, 2016
8:00am to 8:00am

NM1 1pm

Tue, Dec 13, 2016
1:00pm to 1:00pm

Life of K

In this talk, I will try to answer four questions. The outline below gives the overall framework for the presentation. 1. What are the mineral sources of potassium? 2. Once released from primary minerals, where do K ions go – if not to plants? 3. Which forms of K are more “available” to plants for uptake? 4. What can be done to increase the bioavailability of K ions that are associated with minerals?


Michael Thompson

Iowa State University

Michael Thompson’s BS in Agricultural Sciences was from the University of Illinois and his PhD in Agronomy was from Ohio State University in 1980. At Iowa State University he teaches courses in organic chemistry and soil chemistry. His primary research focus is soil mineralogy and chemistry, and for the past two decades, the program has focused on environmental applications of soil science, including studies of the fate and transport of phosphorus, organic matter, trace metals, and polyaromatic hydrocarbons.