

Albert Tenuta

Field Crop Pathologist
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness

Albert Tenuta graduated from the University of Toronto in Plant Pathology and since 1991 has been Field Crop Plant Pathologist with OMAFA based at the University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus.  In this position, Albert has provided leadership not only in Ontario but other provinces and the U.S. in coordinating and organizing field research tests, demonstrations, and development of practical disease management applications for the North American field crop industry including the Crop Protection Network, Corn and Soybean Disease Workers, the SCN Coalition and most recently the Tar Spot Working Group. 

Albert’s contribution to extension, communication and applied research has been recognized in not only Ontario but internationally.  He was the youngest recipient of the Ontario Agricultural College’s T.R Hillard Distinguished Extension Award”; he was the first recipient of the Canadian Phytopathological Society –“Achievements in Plant Disease Management (Extension) Award”, the only Canadian to have been awarded with the American Phytopathological Society’s North Central Division’s highest honor, “The Distinguished Service Award” for his extension and field research efforts as well as many other individual and collaborative awards over his 33 years with OMAFA.

