

Cynthia Scott-Dupree

University of Guelph

Cynthia is a Professor and Bayer CropScience Chair in Sustainable Pest Management (2014-2019) in the School of Environmental Sciences - University of Guelph and has been a faculty member there since 1986. She received her Master of Pest Management (1983) and Ph.D. (1986) from Simon Fraser University. Over the years she has supervised 40 graduate students and 4 PDFs, edited 3 books and 5 book chapters, and published 69 refereed scientific papers, 37 refereed proceedings papers, 80 technical reports and 30 extension publications. Her current research interests include sustainable management of insect crop pests using environmentally compatible control methods; management of invasive alien insect species; impact of agro-ecosystems on beneficial insects such as honey bees, non-Apis bees (i.e., bumble bees and leafcutter bees) and natural enemies; and environmental toxicology specifically the development of standardized pesticide risk assessment methods for non-Apis bees. She also is presently involved with risk assessment method development for studying the impact of pesticides in agroecosystems on bumble bees and leafcutter bees in lab and field situations; survey and development of IPM strategies for brown marmorated stink bug and ambrosia beetles – invasive insect pests in Ontario; and IPM for carrot weevil and carrot rust fly in Ontario. Since the early 90’s, I have been involved with the supervision of large-scale GLP and other field studies in Ontario – looking at the impact of insecticides on honey bees and bumble bees. Born and raised in western Canada (Brandon, Manitoba), Cynthia became acquainted with apiculture and agriculture through family beekeeping and farming operations. She is keenly aware of the importance of IPM, entomology/apiculture, and agriculture to the Canadian economy and endeavors to relay this to others through her research, teaching and outreach activities.

